krizhanisasian, AKA Yung Asian, AKA Mr. President, is a multi faceted millionaire with lot of women, cars, and houses. He is well known for his world-renowned YouTube channel, @krizhanisasian (said to have been watched daily by Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Un.)
As a vlogger, YouTuber, singer, songwriter, actor, megastar, musician, producer, director, editor, model, and political figure, Krizhan is considered to be one of the most influential people of our time.
His success story starts from when he saw a little starving boy down the street in North Carolina (He was visiting for the holidays.) He saw how starved this little boy was so he took a piece of cheese from his pocket and gave it to the boy. He told him "Eat this cheese my child, one day you'll turn into someone great." That child grew up to be LeBron James.